[12/29/21]  KRISS-POSTECH Joint Workshop

[12/27/21]  iAI Year-End-Review

[December 2021] Two iAI students successfully defend the MS dissertation. Congrats !!!

[12/13/21] 새내기연구참여 수업 시연행사

 [12/10/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk entitled "AI Meets Physics: Physics-informed NN and Data-driven Scientific Discovery" at the Symposium on AI for Mechanical Engineering, GIST. [YouTube]

[12/08/21] 이승철 교수는 한국트라이볼로지학회 산학강좌에서 "인공지능 기반 상태감시 및 진단에 대한 고찰" 제목으로 세미나 발표.

[12/06/21] 이수영 학생은 글로벌 핵심인재 양성지원 사업 우수성과 공모전에 대상 수상. 

[12/02/21 ~ 12/03/21] 동국대 홍성호 교수님과 이승철 교수가 2021년도 설비진단기술강습회를 준비합니다. 

[11/25/21] 이승철 교수는 2021년도 한국소음진동공학회 'KTM테크놀로지(주) 학술상' 을 수상

[11/25/21] 이수영 학생은 2021년도 한국소음진동공학회 학생우수발표상을 수상

[11/24/21 ~ 11/26/21] iAI attends the KSNVE conference at Jeju, Korea.

[11/19/21] 이승철 교수는 경북지역 에너지 클러스터 인재양성 사업 단기강좌에 "딥러닝 기반 풍력터빈 기어박스 상태 진단" 을 경주에서 발표.

[11/17/21] Prof. Hyungmin Jun from Jeonbuk National University gives a talk entitled "Self-assembled DNA Nanomaterials with Designable Structures and Functions" at POSTECH ME seminar (hosted by Prof. Seungchul Lee) 

[11/12/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk entitled "AI Meets Physics vs. Physics Meets AI" at RIST (Research Institute of Industrial Science & Technology), Pohang.

[11/08/21] 이승철 교수는 '산업 인공지능과 영상기반 작업자 인지 기술' 제목으로 한국생산기술연구원 대경지역 첨단메카트로닉스연구그룹에서 세미나 발표. 

[11/05/21] iAI lab and SDDO lab (by Prof. Hyunseok Oh) hold a joint workshop for research collaboration at Gwangju.

[11/03/21 ~ 11/05/21] iAI attends the KSME conference at Gwangju, Korea.

[11/04/21] iAI (deep learning-based sound source localization) is awarded for the Top 10 Mechanical Technologies of 2021.

[11/03/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee organizes the special session at the conference of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering on behalf of the AI ME group.

[11/02/21] 이승철 교수는 2021년 2학기 기계공학과 학과입문 수업에 '인공지능이 기계와 상관있어?" 라는 주제로 강의

[11/01/21] 김희창 졸업생이 포항에 방문하여 세미나 진행

[10/29/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk entitled "Industrial AI: Manufacturing, Materials, and Healthcare" at Sungkyunkwan University at Suwon, Korea.

[10/25/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk at 2021 Korea Supercomputing Conference

[10/20/21 ~ 10/22/21] Juwon Na attends the conference of the Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, Jeju, Korea. 

[10/15/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk entitled "Key to the Success of Industrial AI" at the POSCO FORUM at Seoul, Korea.

[10/12/21] iAI members (Soo Young Lee, Keonhyeok Park, and Iljoo Jeong) work at the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) as visiting researchers. 

[10/08/21] Prof. Sangkee Min from the University of Wisconsin gives a talk entitled "Detection of Process Variation in a Cold Forging Process through Smart Manufacturing" at POSTECH ME Short Course Series: International Scholar Lecture (hosted by Prof. Seungchul Lee) 

[10/07/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk at Tech Forum of Hyundai Motor Company.

[10/01/21] 이승철 교수는 대한기계학회 포항지회 세미나에서 "스마트공장 관전 포인트: 산업 인공지능" 주제로 발표

[09/29/21] Prof. Gi-Dong Sim from KAIST gives a talk entitled "Understanding the Mechanical Behavior of Small‐scale Materials: Small for the sake of Big" at POSTECH ME seminar (hosted by Prof. Seungchul Lee) 

[09/28/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives an online seminar talk entitled "Industrial AI: Manufacturing, Materials and Healthcare" at SUNY Korea.

[09/27/21] The Apple Manufacturing R&D Accelerator at POSTECH will serve Korea's Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs) helping to advance their manufacturing capabilities. Prof. Seungchul Lee heavily involves in establishing and operating the Apple manufacturing R&D accelerator. 

[09/16/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a talk entitled "Deep Learning Approaches for Sound Visualization and its Applications" at SNU ME seminar (hosted by Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn

[09/15/21] Prof. Sang Yup Kim from Sogang University gives a talk entitled "Robotic Materials for Intelligent Mechanical Systems" at POSTECH ME seminar (hosted by Prof. Seungchul Lee) 

[09/08/21] iAI lab is featured in labcumentary by Donga science.

[09/08/21 ~ 09/10/21] iAI attends the conference of PHM Korea 2021 at Jeju, Korea.

[09/08/21 ~ 09/10/21] iAI attends the Asia Pacific Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2021 (PHMAP 2021) at Jeju, Korea.

[09/03/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee and Prof. Hyunseok Oh organize the half-day online workshop for the reliability division of KSME. 

[08/31/21 ~ 09/27/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives an AI tutorial to POSCO. 

[08/19/21] Bumsoo Park from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) gives a talk entitled "Reinforcement Learning for Control of Passive Heating and Cooling in Buildings" at the iAI Lab. seminar (hosted by Prof. Seungchul Lee) 

[08/18/21 ~ 08/24/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee organizes the online AI boot camp on behalf of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering. 

2021년 대한기계학회 인공지능머신연구회 여름학교

1강: 기계학습 (오현석 교수, 광주과학기술원)

2강: 딥러닝 초급 (오기용 교수, 한양대학교)

3강: 딥러닝 중급 (강남우 교수, 한국과학기술원)

4강: 인공지능 응용 사례

[08/18/21] 대한금속재료학회 인공지능 강습회: 중급

[08/12/21] Iljoo Jeong successfully passes the Ph.D. oral preliminary exam. Congrats !!!

[08/04/21] The work on AI sound source localization technology is featured at BizTech KOREA [Lab_Tube] in Arirang TV.

[07/23/21] 21년도 두산인프라코어 PHM 자문단 1차 기술자문회를 온라인으로 진행

[07/16/21] 한국기계연구원 시스템다이나믹스연구실 연구 성과 공유

[07/15/21] iAI member (Jongmok Lee) attends  the conference of KOSOS (the Korean Society of Safety) at Yeosu, Korea.

[07/09/21] 이승철 교수는 '산업에 적용 가능한 인공지능 기술: 제조, 재료, 의료 사례 중심으로' 주제로 포항강소특구 특강 진행.

[06/30/21] 대한금속재료학회 인공지능 강습회: 초급

[June 2021] Two iAI students successfully defend the MS dissertation. Congrats !!!

[06/18/21] iAI lab is filmed for labcumentary and it will be on air soon.

[06/04/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives an invited talk entitled "Industrial AI" at the online conference of the Korean Society of Laser Processing.

[05/27/21 ~ 05/28/21] iAI lab members attend the KSNVE (the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering) conference at Pyeongchang, Korea.

[05/26/21] Prof. Ki-Yong Oh from Chung-Ang University gives a talk at the POSTECH ME department seminar (hosted by Prof. Seungchul Lee) 

[05/14/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a tutorial on 'Industrial AI' at the Korean Society for PHM at Seoul, Korea.

[05/14/21] The best paper (Gyuwon Kim) is awarded at the Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering. 

[05/13/21] 박사후보심사와 박사자격시험을 통과한 학생들이 학과에서 명함과 체육복을 포상으로 받았습니다. 축하합니다. 

[05/10/21 ~ 12/31/21] iAI member (Sung Wook Kim) visits the Chung-Ang University for collaboration.

[05/03/21] Yunseob's paper was selected as the front cover of the Volume 33, Issue 4 of Digestive Endoscopy.

Yunseob Hwang+, Han Hee Lee+, Chunghyun Park, Bayu Adhi Tama, Jin Su Kim, Dae Young Cheung, Woo Chul Chung, Young-Seok Cho, Kang-Moon Lee, Myung-Gyu Choi, Seungchul Lee*, and Bo-In Lee*, 2021, “Improved Classification and Localization Approach to Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy Using Convolutional Neural Network,” Digestive Endoscopy, 33, pp. 598-607, https://doi.org/10.1111/den.13787. (+ equally contributed)

[04/30/21] The best paper (Iljoo Jeong) is awarded at the KSME conference of the reliability engineering division at Jeju, Korea.

[04/30/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives a tutorial on 'AI for reliability' at the KSME conference of the reliability engineering division at Jeju, Korea.

[04/29/21] iAI lab members attend the KSME conference of the reliability engineering division at Jeju, Korea.

[04/26/21] 이승철 교수는 포항공대 융합대학원 런치타임 세미나에서 "인공지능을 바라보는 공학자의 (수준 낮은) 철학적 고민" 주제로 발표했습니다.

[04/15/21 ~ 04/16/21] iAI attends the KSME online conference of the bio-engineering division.

[04/05/21 ~ 04/29/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives an AI tutorial to POSCO.

[03/26/21] iAI lab members and cherry blossom at the POSTECH campus

[02/18/21] 연구 성과 홍보 (신문지면기사): 수술 부작용 확률 예측, 신속한 내시경 판독... '열 일'하는 AI

[02/23/21 ~ 02/28/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee organizes the online AI tutorial on behalf of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineering. 

[02/10/21] The best paper (Sung Wook Kim) is awarded at the KSNVE conference.

 [02/06/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee on behalf of KSME opens up the website of AI + ME. 

 [02/05/21] iAI lab group picture at the commencement 

[01/22/21] Prof. Seungchul Lee gives an invited talk entitled “Industrial AI for Manufacturing” at the (Virtual) Industrial AI Concert.

[January 2021] Four iAI students successfully pass the Ph.D. oral preliminary exam. Congrats !!!

[January 2021] Three iAI students successfully defend the MS dissertation. Congrats !!!

[01/18/21 ~ 02/19/21] iAI member (Sooyoung Lee) visits the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) for collaboration.